Tuesday, January 31, 2012


I don't really know why I am posting only to say, "Why does Sarah have one more post than me?" I don't know how that happened so I was just going to post one more just to make it even. Haha:)
Okay I am done now...

I have a older sister...

Yes, I know what you are probably thinking, "I thought that Hannah was the oldest kid in the family?" Well if you were thinking that then you are right. Okay but now you are probable thinking, "Well than how can you have an older sister?" Well I have lots of older brothers and sister in Christ, but what I am talking about is my older sister Audrey Ann Sanders. She is like the older sister I never had. She is so nice, kind, very very pretty, but most of all she loves the Lord. In fact she is now in Guam teaching in a school, and serving the Lord. Everyone of her friends misses her very much, because she was one of thous people who you just made you want to hug her and make her stay here in the United States. You just can't replace a friend like that. She is a friend you can always count on to give you some good godly advice if you ever had a problem. She took me and Sarah to go shopping once and it was so much fun to go with someone who had the same opinions about modesty.
She is a some one who loves her family and the Lord and will do what anything for them.
Well that is her in a nut shell. I love her so much she is like another sister to me now. I miss her a lot too. Well that's all:)

Monday, January 30, 2012

Sick people in my house today...

This will be my boring post later I will be posting a good post about my big sister Audrey Ann Sanders. But that is for another time.
Today I will be going to my grandma's house to do my piano lessons.
Oh ya... MY FAMILY HAS THE STOMACH FLUE!!!!!!!!!!! NOT FUN AT ALL!!! I could get it any day now... just waiting to get it... not very fun wouldn't you say? I would. Well so far only Josh, "Esther" (I think Esther was just tiered thought, so she didn't really have it I would say), and Ruthie have gotten sick... so far... but who will be the next to go...? Anyway that is all I have to say today...

Friday, January 27, 2012


Well yesterday I got a new pair of shoes (thank you grandpa Gollner!) and I love them mostly because they are black and purple! Oh, I can't wait till volleyball on Tuesday!
Well back to today... Oh yes, I have a test in Geography. O man can't wait till that! NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's not going to be as long as most of our test thought so that is okay... lets see how good I do on the test. I scared!
Tonight I may be going to my grandma's house (if I have all my school done) with Sarah. That will be lots of fun:) I am sure of that. I may not be sure about this test I have in geography, but I am sure that when ever you go to grandma's house you are going to have a good time. You can be sure of that!
Well that's all... Oh, and if you need something to pray about pray for me and this geography test I have to take today and that I get my school done (mostly just science)... That's all:)

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Today I am exited...

The reason I am exited because I am going to get shoes with my grandpa Gollner! I can't wait till I go! Trying on different shoes should be really fun! Grandpa is going to drop off Sarah and Esther from piano lessons. Then grandpa is going to pick me up around 3 I think.?.
The bad think is I didn't get my school (just algebra and geography) done yesterday. So now I have to do double the work today... so fun right? NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well that is all for today. Gotta go!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

To God be the glory...

Does anyone remember that song (it's an old one)... anyway I just thought of that and just made it my title for no real reason.
Today I have to do extra algebra... no fun at all! This was not meant for you to feel bad for me but it kinda looks that way. Sorry.
Well anyway today I have flute lessons with Stephanie Barker [Gwen too:)].
Any today I have Teens Involved (a.k.a. Word Of Life).
That will really be my day today.
Well that's my post and I am sicken to it!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

No title again...

Well today is another day without a title... O well.
Today is a good day because today I get to go to volleyball of season practise. It should be lots of fun:) I love volleyball so much:) Sarah once again is not going to be going with me due to choir:( She said that choir is fun but she wishes it was on a different night. She says, "I miss my volleyball practise and my friend that play volleyball. O well." There is a hint of saidness in here voise.
Well that is all I have to say at the momnt.

Monday, January 23, 2012

No title today...

The reason I made the title "No title today" is because I have no idea what to right about. I mean today all I am doing is: chores (as always), school, piano lessons, and maybe go to a friends basketball game tonight. So Nathan and me will go to piano lessons today. Nathan also has basketball tonight. Then after Nathan's basketball practise we will probable go all go to pick-up Nathan and straight to my friend's basketball game. So really Nathan is the one with the busy day.
Well anyway that is all I have to say.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Dear blog

Dear blog,

Today is another day to do school (not cool!).

Well anyway today Sarah is going to take her geography test. She is so excited You should just she her now. I hope she gets to go to the State Geography Bee! That would be really cool to say that my sis was in the State Georaphy Bee! That would just be amazing! But I don't think Sarah would really like to go though. I mean I think she just want to get it over with, but I am not really sure let me ask her... she said, "I just want to get over with so I don't have to do any more studying!"

O poor Sarah. Well I just feel really sorry for her because she has been studying so long for this!

Well I sure do think that the snow looks really pretty!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Today is another day to serve the Lord

Today I am kind-of sore because of volleyball yesterday. btw volleyball went very well yesterday. It was lots of fun! I love volleyball!

Anyway today I have flute lessons (if Gwen is feeling well) and WOL (Word Of Life) which is at church. Me and Sarah are going to be doing a little skit for the kids today. It should be fun. I hope.

Well got to go do school.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Today is another day but not just any day... because I am going to volleyball off season practise today! It will be so much fun! I know this because all of my volleyball friends will be there! Sarah is mad because she has chior tonight and she can't miss it.hahaha.

Well this is all I have to say so...

Good Bye

Monday, January 16, 2012

My day...

Today something funny happened, Sarah (my sister who does not get her school done, or at lest most of the time she does not get her school done) got done with her school before me which has not happened since...probable... October of 2010. That is how rare it is. I guess she just wanted to get it done to day. Or maybe she wanted to get done with her school before the party she is going to later... I don't really know why she got done so fast.?. It is a mystery.

Whatever happened it will still be so weird and different.

Anyway today I am going to go to my grandma's house for piano lessons.

Well I think that is good so...

Good Bye


Hannah is out of here!